Intimation of payment of Interest of NCD for Series 34 |
17-03-2025 |
Appointment of Mr. Rakesh Bhatt as Additional Director |
08-03-2025 |
Intimation of payment - Series 26 & 27 NCDs |
28-02-2025 |
Intimation of payment of Interest / redemption of NCDs |
31-01-2025 |
Record Date Intimation for NCD Series 27 |
31-01-2025 |
Public Disclosure on Liquidity Risk Management (Q3 FY25) |
21-01-2025 |
Outcome of the Board Meeting for the quarter ended December 31, 2024 |
21-01-2025 |
Prior Intimation of Board Meeting Q3FY25 |
13-01-2025 |
Intimation of payment of Interest - Series 36 NCDs |
23-12-2024 |
Public Disclosure on Liquidity Risk Management (Q2 FY25) |
11-11-2024 |
Outcome of the Board Meeting for the quarter and half year ended Sep'24 |
11-11-2024 |
Intimation for allotment of NCDs -Series 35 |
27-09-2024 |
Intimation for closure of trading window |
26-09-2024 |
Intimation for repayment of Commercial Papers |
24-09-2024 |
Record date intimation for Series 23 |
11-09-2024 |
Record Date Intimation for redemption of Commercial Papers |
10-09-2024 |
Intimation of Credit Rating - CRISIL Limited |
27-08-2024 |
Outcome of the EGM held on August 22, 2024 |
22-08-2024 |
Public Disclosure on Liquidity Risk Management (Q1 FY25) |
12-08-2024 |
Outcome of the Board Meeting for the quarter ended June'2024 |
12-08-2024 |
Intimation of new Credit rating
07-08-2024 |
Intimation of payment of interest - Series 32
07-08-2024 |
Prior Intimation for Board Meeting Q1 FY 25
07-08-2024 |
Intimation for re-filling of DRHP
31-07-2024 |
Intimation for Payment of Interest - NCD
31-07-2024 |
Intimation for Payment of Interest - NCD
27-07-2024 |
Intimation for notice of cancellation of meeting of NCD Holders
19-07-2024 |
Intimation of payment of Interest - Series 28 & 31
19-07-2024 |
Proceedings of the 31st Annual General
12-07-2024 |
Intimation for change in Auditors
12-07-2024 |
Record Date Intimation under Regulation 60
05-07-2024 |
Intimation for trading window closure |
28-06-2024 |
Intimation for Notice of Meeting of NCD
Holders |
26-06-2024 |
Notice of Debenture Holders Meeting - Series
18 NCDs |
26-06-2024 |
Notice of Debenture Holders Meeting - Series
21 NCDs |
26-06-2024 |
Intimation of payment of Interest/
redemption of NCD for June 2024 |
25-06-2024 |
Intimation for filing of DRHP |
21-06-2024 |
Outcome of the Extra-ordinary General
Meeting held on 20 June 2024 |
20-06-2024 |
Disclosure under Regulation 51 |
19-05-2024 |
Public Disclosure on Liquidity Risk Management (Q4 FY24) |
30-04-2024 |
Outcome of the Board Meeting - March 2024
30-04-2024 |
Proceedings of the 24th EOGM |
13-03-2024 |
Notice of the 24th EOGM |
12-03-2024 |
Regulation 51 Disclosure - Price Sensitive
Information |
06-03-2024 |
Intimation of payment of Interest- Series 26
& 27 |
29-02-2024 |
Intimation for change in KMP |
21-02-2024 |
Public Disclosure on Liquidity Risk
Management (Q3 FY24) |
31-01-2024 |
Outcome of the Board Meeting for the quarter
ended Dec'23 |
31-01-2024 |
Prior Intimation for Board Meeting for Q3 FY
24 |
23-01-2024 |
Corporate Governance Report - December 2023
17-01-2024 |
Intimation of payment of Interest- Series 23
12-01-2024 |
Intimation for revision in credit rating
15-01-2024 |
Statement of Investor Complaints - Reg. 13
02-01-2024 |
Intimation for Trading Window Closure -
Dec'23 |
29-12-2023 |
Intimation of Record Date for NCDs - Jan
2024 |
18-12-2023 |
Intimation for repayment of CP INE087P14739
14-12-2023 |
Intimation of record date for Commercial
Papers - Dec 2023 |
07-12-2023 |
Intimation of record date for Commercial
Papers |
16-11-2023 |
Intimation of New Credit Rating |
15-11-2023 |
Public Disclosure on Liquidity Risk
Management (Q2 FY24) |
08-11-2023 |
Outcome of the Board Meeting - 08 November
2023 |
08-11-2023 |
Prior Intimation of Board Meeting Q2FY24
31-10-2023 |
CP Utilization Certificate - September 2023
25-10-2023 |
Specifications related to ISIN as on
September 30, 2023 |
04-10-2023 |
Proceedings of AGM 2023 |
27-09-2023 |
Intimation for Trading Window Closure |
26-09-2023 |
Intimation of Record Date for NCDs |
15-09-2023 |
Public Disclosure on Liquidity Risk
Management (Q1 FY24) |
02-08-2023 |
Intimation of Record Date for CPs |
12-09-2023 |
Intimation for Payment of Interest - Series
26 and 27 |
30-08-2023 |
Intimation for Allotment of NCDs - Series 33
29-08-2023 |
Intimation for Payment of Interest and
Principal - Series 12 |
25-08-2023 |
Outcome of the Board Meeting - August 2,
2023 |
02-08-2023 |
Intimation under Reg 57 INE087P07170 |
28-07-2023 |
Intimation for Allotment of NCDs - Series 29
28-07-2023 |
Intimation under Reg 57 INE087P07162 |
27-07-2023 |
Prior Intimation of Board Meeting Q1FY24
26-07-2023 |
Intimation for Allotment of NCDs - Series 28
21-07-2023 |
Outcome of Borrowing Committee Meeting -
July 11, 2023 |
12-07-2023 |
Intimation of payment of Interest/
redemption of NCD for June 2023 |
03-07-2023 |
Intimation under Reg 57 for ISIN
INE087P07139 |
23-06-2023 |
Intimation for exercise of right to buyback
Series 13 & 15 |
22-06-2023 |
Public Disclosure on Liquidity Risk
Management (Q4 FY23) |
05-May-2023 |
Intimation for Allotment of NCDs - Series 26
and 27 |
30-May-2023 |
Buyback Intimation for Series 13 |
26-May-2023 |
Buyback Intimation for Series 15 |
26-May-2023 |
Intimation Under Regulation 51 |
24-May-2023 |
Outcome of Borrowing Committee Meeting -
16.05.2023 |
16-May-2023 |
Intimation of revision in Credit Rating |
13-May-2023 |
Prior Intimation for NCD Issue - May 2023
11-May-2023 |
Secretarial Compliance Report 2022-23 |
11-May-2023 |
Intimation under Reg 57(1) INE087P07253 and
INE087P07261 |
09-May-2023 |
Outcome of Board Meeting held on May 05,
2023 |
05-May-2023 |
Intimation under Reg 57(1) INE087P07170 |
28-Apr-2023 |
Prior Intimation of Board Meeting- May 05,
2023 |
28-Apr-2023 |
Disclosure as per Chapter XIV SEBI Op
Circular |
28-Apr-2023 |
Intimation under Reg 57(1) INE087P07147 |
21-Apr-2023 |
Corporate Governance Report-March 2023 |
20-Apr-2023 |
Certificate under Reg 40(9) for FY 22-23
20-Apr-2023 |
Specifications related to ISIN as on March
31, 2023 |
12-Apr-2023 |
Certificate under Regulation 57(5) for
Q4FY23 |
03-Apr-2023 |
Confirmation - Not a Large Corporate |
03-Apr-2023 |
Allotment of NCDs Series 25 |
29-Mar-2023 |
Intimation under Reg 57(1) - Payment of
Interest |
24-Mar-2023 |
Outcome of Borrowing Committee meeting -
Coupon Reset |
24-Mar-2023 |
Intimation under Regulation 50(1) |
21-Mar-2023 |
Intimation of payment of interest and
principal INE087P07063 |
24-Feb-2023 |
Disclosure under Regulation 52 and 54 |
02-Feb-2023 |
Intimation under Regulation 52(7) |
02-Feb-2023 |
Allotment of NCDs Series 24 |
02-Feb-2023 |
Public Disclosure on Liquidity Risk
Management (Q3 FY23) |
02-Feb-2023 |
Intimation of payment of interest
INE087P08020 & INE087P08038 |
31-Jan-2023 |
Intimation of payment of interest and part
principal INE087P07170 |
30-Jan-2023 |
Prior Intimation of Board meeting Q3FY23
25-Jan-2023 |
Allotment of NCDs Series 23 |
12-Jan-2023 |
CFO Certificate for utilization of CP
proceeds |
12-Jan-2023 |
Incorporation of WoS of the Company |
11-Jan-2023 |
Certificate under regulation 57(5) |
06-Jan-2023 |
Proceedings of EGM held on 06-01-2023 |
06-Jan-2023 |
Intimation under regulation 57(4) and 60(2)
29-Dec-2022 |
Intimation of Trading Window closure |
28-Dec-2022 |
Intimation of Price Sensitive Information
under Regulation 51(2) |
28-Dec-2022 |
Intimation of payment of interest
INE087P07220 |
21-Dec-2022 |
Newspaper publication for exercise of
partial Buy Back of Series13 |
16-Dec-2022 |
Intimation of payment of Interest and
Principal INE087P07121 |
16-Dec-2022 |
Intimation of payment of principal and
interest INE087P07113 |
09-Dec-2022 |
Intimation for exercise of right to partial
buy back and record date INE087P07196 |
09-Dec-2022 |
Public Disclosure on Liquidity Risk
Management (Q2 FY23) |
11-Nov-2022 |
Details of RPT September 2022 |
11-Nov-2022 |
Intimation of appointment of CS |
11-Nov-2022 |
Intimation under Regulation 52(7) |
11-Nov-2022 |
Outcome of Board Meeting held on Nov. 10 and
11, 2022 and Asset cover |
11-Nov-2022 |
Intimation of Board Meeting under Regulation
50(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board
of India
(Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015 ("Listing
Regulations") |
03-Nov-2022 |
Intimation of Credit Rating Outlook
Upgradation to 'Positive' from 'Stable' of
Avanse Financial Services Limited ("the
Company") by Brickwork Ratings India Pvt.
Ltd |
29-Oct-2022 |
Asset Liability Management (ALM) Disclosures
12-Oct-2022 |
Statement on details of Non-Convertible
Debentures data for the half year ended
September 30, 2022 |
11-Oct-2022 |
Certificate for the quarter ended September
30, 2022 as prescribed in the SEBI
operational circular on issue and listing of
Non-convertible Securities, Securitised Debt
Instruments, Security Receipts, Municipal
Debt Securities and Commercial Paper dated
August 10, 2021 |
09-Oct-2022 |
Intimation under Reg. 57(5) of SEBI (Listing
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015 ('Listing Regulations')
for the quarter ended September 30, 2022
02-Oct-2022 |
Intimation as per Regulation 57(4) and
Regulation 60 (2) of SEBI (Listing
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations 2015 ("Listing Regulations")
02-Oct-2022 |
Certificate under Paragraph 8.4 of Chapter
XVII of Operational Circular for issue and
listing of Non-convertible Securities,
Securitised Debt Instruments, Security
Receipts, Municipal Debt Securities and
Commercial Paper |
30-Sept-2022 |
Intimation of appointment of Compliance
Officer for the interim period |
29-Sept-2022 |
Intimation under Reg. 57(1) of SEBI (Listing
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015 ('Listing Regulations')
for Coupon payment |
29-Sept-2022 |
Proceedings of 29th Annual General Meeting
("AGM") of the Company |
27-Sept-2022 |
Intimation pursuant to Regulation 51 read
with Part B of Schedule III of the SEBI
(Listing Obligations & Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015 |
27-Sept-2022 |
Notice of 29th AGM |
27-Sept-2022 |
Allotment of NCDs Series 21 |
23-Sept-2022 |
Intimation regarding appointment of Chief
Risk Officer of the Company |
23-Sept-2022 |
Record Date for Commercial Paper of Avanse
Financial Services Limited |
23-Sept-2022 |
Intimation under Regulation 51 of the
Securities and Exchange Board of India
(Listing Obligations & Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015 ("SEBI
Listing Regulations") |
16-Sept-2022 |
Allotment of NCDs Series 19 & 20 |
07-Sept-2022 |
Proceedings of 21st Extra-Ordinary General
Meeting of the Company |
07-Sept-2022 |
Notice of 21st EGM |
06-Sept-2022 |
Intimation under Regulation 51 of the
Securities and Exchange Board of India
(Listing Obligations & Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015 ('SEBI
Listing Regulations') |
02-Sept-2022 |
Intimation under Regulation 51 of the
Securities and Exchange Board of India
(Listing Obligations & Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015 ("SEBI
Listing Regulations") |
02-Sept-2022 |
Allotment of PP-MLD NCDs- Series 18 |
26-Aug-2022 |
Notice of 20th EGM |
12-Aug-2022 |
Intimation under Reg. 57(1) of SEBI (Listing
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
2015 ('Listing Regulations') for Coupon and
principal payment |
08-Aug-2022 |
Public Disclosure on Liquidity Risk
Management (Q1 FY23) |
02-Aug-2022 |
Outcome of the Board Meeting held on August
02, 2022 |
02-Aug-2022 |
Intimation of Resignation of Company
Secretary |
02-Aug-2022 |
Declaration in respect of no deviation in
use of proceeds from Non-Convertible
("NCDs") under Regulation 52(7) of
Securities and Exchange Board of India
(Listing Obligations and Disclosure
requirements), 2015 ("Listing Regulations")
02-Aug-2022 |
Asset Cover Declaration |
02-Aug-2022 |
Allotment of NCDs- Series 17 |
02-Aug-2022 |
Intimation under Reg. 57(1) of SEBI (Listing
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015 ('Listing Regulations')
for Coupon payment |
01-Aug-2022 |
Intimation under Reg. 57(1) of SEBI (Listing
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015 ('Listing Regulations')
for Coupon payment |
30-Jul-2022 |
Intimation of Redemption of CPs INE087P14663
28-Jul-2022 |
BSE- Intimation of Board Meeting |
27-Jul-2022 |
Intimation of allotment of NCD_series 16
21-Jul-2022 |
Avanse CG Report June 2022 |
15-Jul-2022 |
Reg 52 (7) - Statement of Material
Deviations in NCD proceeds |
8-Jul-2022 |
Certificate under Regulation 57 (1) of SEBI
LODR Regulations for coupon payment |
7-Jul-2022 |
Intimation under Reg 57(5) of SEBI (Listing
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015 for the quarter ended June
30, 2022 |
5-Jul-2022 |
CFO Certificate for utilization of CP
proceeds for quarter ended June 30, 2022
5-Jul-2022 |
Intimation of Record Date of Commercial
Papers |
5-Jul-2022 |
Intimation under Regulation 57(4) and 60 (2)
of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015 |
27-Jun-2022 |
Certificate under Regulation 57(1) of SEBI
(Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015 for Coupon
payment |
24-Jun-2022 |
Intimation of Credit Rating Outlook
Upgradation |
03-Jun-2022 |
Certificate under Operational Circular for
Redemption of CP |
25-May-2022 |
Annual Secretarial Compliance Report |
23-May-2022 |
Intimation under Regulation 60 of the SEBI
(Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015 |
19-May-2022 |
Intimation redemption of CP_BSE |
13-May-2022 |
Public Disclosure on Liquidity Risk
Management (Q4 FY22) |
05-May-2022 |
Outcome of the Board Meeting held on May 5,
2022 |
05-May-2022 |
Disclosure of Asset cover as per Regulation
54 of SEBI Regulations, 2015 |
05-May-2022 |
Half yearly disclosure of Related Party
Transactions for the period ended March 31,
2022 under Regulation 23(9) of SEBI
Regulations, 2015 |
05-May-2022 |
Confirmation on unmodified opinion on the
financial statements |
05-May-2022 |
BSE- Intimation of Board Meeting |
30-Apr-2022 |
Certificate by Practicing Company Secretary
Regulation 40(9) |
22-Apr-2022 |
Certificate from CFO |
21-Apr-2022 |
Declaration in respect of no deviation in
use of proceed from NCDs |
21-Apr--2022 |
Avanse CG Report March 2022 |
17-Apr-2022 |
BSE_CP Proceed Certificate |
07-Apr-2022 |
LODR_Ref 7(3)_Compliance Certificate
31.03.2022 |
05-Apr-2022 |
Statement on details of Non-Convertible
Debentures data for the half year ended
March 31, 2022 |
05-Apr-2022 |
Certificate under Operational Circular for
Redemption of CP |
30-Mar-2022 |
Intimation of Allotment of NCD_Series 14
24-Mar-2022 |
Intimation under Regulation 57(4) of the
SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015 |
16-Mar-2022 |
BSE Letter - Effective date of apptointment
of Mr. Amit Gainda |
04-Mar-2022 |
Intimation redemption of CP_BSE |
21-Feb-2022 |
CFO Certificate for utilization of CP
Proceeds |
09-Feb-2022 |
Intimation redemption of CP_ BSE |
03-Feb-2022 |
Outcome of the Board Meeting |
01-Feb-2022 |
Certificate under Regulation 57(1) of SEBI
(Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015 for Coupon
31-Jan-2022 |
Intimation of Board Meeting |
26-Jan-2022 |
Certificate under Regulation 57(1) of SEBI
(Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015 for
Principal and Coupon payment |
10-Jan-2022 |
Intimation under Reg. 57(5) of SEBI (Listing
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015, for the quarter
ended December 31, 2021.
03-Jan-2022 |
Intimation under Regulation 57(4) of the
SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Regulations, 2015 ('Listing Regulationsâ??)
21-Dec-2021 |
Intimation under Regulation 57(1) of SEBI
(Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Regulations, 2015 (Listing Regulations) for
Coupon Payment |
17-Dec-2021 |
Intimation under Regulation 60 of SEBI
(Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015 for Record
Date Updates |
13-Dec-2021 |
Certificate under Regulation 57(1) of SEBI
(Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015 for Coupon
payment |
10-Dec-2021 |
Intimation redemption of CP_BSE |
30-Nov-2021 |
CFO Certificate for utilization of CP
Proceeds |
24-Nov-2021 |
Intimation redemption of CP_BSE |
17-Nov-2021 |
Related Party Transactions Disclsoure For
September 30, 2021 |
28-Oct-2021 |
Reg. 52 (7) - Statement of Material
Deviations in NCD proceeds |
28-Oct-2021 |
Outcome of Board Meeting |
28-Oct-2021 |
Public Disclosure on Liquidity Risk
Management (Q2 FY22) |
28-Oct-2021 |
Intimation of Board meeting |
22-Oct-2021 |
Intimation redemption of CP_BSE |
20-Oct-2021 |
Intimation under Reg. 57(5) of SEBI
(Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015, for
the quarter ended September 30, 2021 |
06-Oct-2021 |
Statement on details of Non-Convertible
Debentures data for the half year ended
September 30, 2021 |
05-Oct-2021 |
Intimation of Allotment of NCD_Series 13
29-Sept-2021 |
Intimation as per Regulation 57(4) of SEBI
(Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations 2015
23-Sept-2021 |
Intimation of Appointment of KMP |
22-Sept-2021 |
Avanse Credit Rating |
20-Sept-2021 |
Intimation of Appointment of KMP |
02-Sept-2021 |
Intimation of Allotment of NCD_Series 12
26-Aug-2021 |
Public Disclosure on Liquidity Risk
Management (Q1 FY22) |
05-Aug-2021 |
Outcome of Board Meeting |
05-Aug-2021 |
Intimation of Resignation of Company
Secretary & Compliance Officer |
05-Aug-2021 |
Interest Payment Certificate |
30-Jul-2021 |
Intimation of Board Meeting 05.08.2021 |
30-Jul-2021 |
Interest Payment Certificate |
30-Jul-2021 |
Intimation of Allotment of NCD series 11
30-Jul-2021 |
Intimation of Allotment of NCD series 10
27-Jul-2021 |
Redemption of NCD_BSE |
12-Jul-2021 |
Interest Payment Cert. BSE. |
09-Jul-2021 |
Interest Payment Cert. BSE. |
07-Jul-2021 |
Intimation of Appointment of Director |
05-Jul-2021 |
Intimation of Payment of Interest |
24-Jun-2021 |
Intimation of Record Date |
24-Jun-2021 |
Interest Payment Certificate |
24-Jun-2021 |
Intimation of Resignation of CFO |
31-May-2021 |
Intimation of Record Date |
18-May-2021 |
Intimation of Payment of Interest |
18-May-2021 |
Noting Certificate from Trustee H2FY21 |
07-May-2021 |
Public Disclosure on Liquidity Risk
Management (Q4 FY21) |
06-May-2021 |
Statement of Material Deviation H2FY21 |
06-May-2021 |
Undertaking to BSE |
06-May-2021 |
Intimation to BSE_Reg 52_FY21 |
15-Apr-2021 |
Public Disclosure on Liquidity Risk
Management (Q3 FY21) |
04-Feb-2021 |
Interest Payment Certificate |
29-Jan-2021 |
Intimation of Interest Payment |
23-Dec-2020 |
Intimation of Record Date |
23-Dec-2020 |
Interest Payment Certificate |
18-Dec-2020 |
Interest Payment Certificate |
11-Dec-2020 |
Intimation of Payment of Interest |
13-Nov-2020 |
Intimation of Record Date |
13-Nov-2020 |
Redemption of NCDs |
02-Nov-2020 |
Public Disclosure on Liquidity Risk
Management (Q2FY21) |
30-Oct-2020 |
Statement of Material Deviation_H1FY21 |
30-Oct-2020 |
Redemption of NCDs |
06-Oct-2020 |
Intimation of Payment of Interest |
26-Sep-2020 |
Intimation of Record Date |
26-Sep-2020 |
Public Disclosure on Liquidity Risk
Management (Q1FY21) |
25-Aug-2020 |
Notice of AGM |
25-Aug-2020 |
Outcome of Board Meeting |
25-Aug-2020 |
Intimation of Board Meeting |
19-Aug-2020 |
Interest Payment Certificate |
31-Jul-2020 |
Intimation of Allotment of NCD |
10-Jul-2020 |
Interest Payment Certificate |
10-Jul-2020 |
Intimation of Allotment of NCD |
07-Jul-2020 |
Intimation of Payment of Interest |
29-Jun-2020 |
Intimation of Record Date |
29-Jun-2020 |
Noting Certificate from Trustee_H2FY20 |
26-Jun-2020 |
Public Disclosure on Liquidity Risk
Management (Q4FY20) |
25-Jun-2020 |
Undertaking to BSE Reg 57(2) |
25-Jun-2020 |
Statement of Material Deviation_H2FY20 |
25-Jun-2020 |
Intimation of Allotment of NCD |
24-Jun-2020 |
Intimation of Issue of NCDs |
15-Jun-2020 |
Intimation to BSE - Reg 51 |
08-Jun-2020 |
Intimation of Payment of Interest |
02-Jun-2020 |
Intimation of Record Date |
02-Jun-2020 |
Disclosure - Impact of COVID 19 |
02-Jun-2020 |
Intimation to BSE - Reg 52(2) |
12-May-2020 |
Interest Payment Certificate |
31-Jan-2020 |
Notice of EGM |
28-Jan-2020 |
Public Disclosure on Liquidity Risk
Management (Q3FY20) |
28-Jan-2020 |
Intimation of Allotment of NCD |
18-Dec-2019 |
Intimation of Payment of Interest |
18-Dec-2019 |
Intimation of Record Date |
18-Dec-2019 |
Intimation of Issue of NCD |
13-Dec-2019 |
Intimation of Allotment of NCD |
12-Dec-2019 |
Intimation of Issue of NCD |
09-Dec-2019 |
Interest Payment Certificate |
01-Nov-2019 |
Intimation of Record Date |
27-Sep-2019 |
Intimation of Payment of Interest |
27-Sep-2019 |
Intimation of Revision in Credit Rating |
27-Sep-2019 |
Interest Payment Certificate |
27-Sep-2019 |
Intimation of Revision in Credit Rating |
26-Sep-2019 |
Intimation of Record Date |
26-Aug-2019 |
Intimation of Payment of Interest |
26-Aug-2019 |
Interest Payment Certificate |
31-July-2019 |
Intimation of Change in control and
Management |
30-July-2019 |
Notice of EGM |
30-July-2019 |
Notice of EGM |
27-July-2019 |
Intimation of Record Date |
27-Jun-2019 |
Intimation of Payment of Interest |
27-Jun-2019 |
Intimation of Receipt of RBI Approval |
04-Jun-2019 |
Notice of EGM |
23-May-2019 |
Intimation of Revision in Credit Rating |
09-Apr-2019 |
Intimation of Stake sale by promoters |
16-Mar-2019 |
Intimation of Revision in Credit Rating |
13-Mar-2019 |
Intimation of Revision in Credit Rating |
12-Mar-2019 |
Intimation of Revision in Credit Rating |
28-Feb-2019 |
Intimation of Revision in Credit Rating |
7-Feb-2019 |
Interest Payment Certificate |
31-Jan-2019 |
Intimation of Revision in Credit Rating |
22-Jan-2019 |
Notice of EGM |
18-Jan-2019 |
Interest Payment Certificate |
04-Jan-2019 |
Intimation of Record Date |
03-Jan-2019 |
Intimation of Payment of Interest |
03-Jan-2019 |
Exercise of Put Option by the Debenture
holder |
24-Dec-2018 |
Intimation of Resignation of Director |
02-Nov-2018 |
Interest Payment Certificate |
02-Nov-2018 |
Intimation of Record Date |
03-Oct-2018 |
Intimation of Payment of Interest |
03-Oct-2018 |
Interest Payment Certificate |
31-Jul-2018 |
Intimation of Record Date |
04-Jul-2018 |
Intimation of Payment of Interest |
04-Jul-2018 |
Notice of EGM |
18-Jun-2018 |
Intimation of Resignation of Director |
30-March-2018 |
Notice of EGM |
03-Mar-2018 |
Interest Payment Certificate |
31-Jan-2018 |
Intimation of Record Date |
04-Jan-2018 |
Intimation of Payment of Interest |
04-Jan-2018 |
Certificate of Interest Payment |
31-July-2017 |
Intimation of Resignation of Director |
24-July-2017 |
Notice of EGM |
14-Jul-2017 |
Intimation of Record Date |
05-July-2017 |
Intimation of Payment of Interest |
05-July-2017 |
Notice of EGM |
13-Jan-2017 |
Intimation of Board Meeting for Q3FY17 |
09-Jan-2017 |
Intimation of Payment of Interest |
04-Jan-2017 |
Intimation of Record Date |
03-Jan-2017 |
Intimation of Record Date |
30-June-2016 |
Intimation of Interest Payment |
30-June-2016 |
Statement of Material Deviation - H2FY16
09-May-2016 |
Intimation of Record Date |
06-Jan-2016 |