The Company has laid down the appropriate grievance redressal mechanism within the organization to resolve
disputes arising in this regard which ensures that all disputes arising out of the decisions of the
Company?s functionaries are heard and disposed of at the next higher level.
The Board of Directors shall also periodically review the compliance of the Fair Practices Code and the
functioning of the grievance?s redressal mechanism at various levels of management. A consolidated report
of such reviews shall be submitted to the Board at periodic intervals.
Great services help companies to drive the customer acquisition, retention and service efficiency. In line
with the said philosophy, the Company follows a four (4) tier approach for redressal of customer
grievances, as detailed below:
In case of any service request / complaints, the customer may contact the customer engagement team on any of the below mentioned contact points:
Avanse Financial Services Limited
4th Floor, E Wing, Times Square,
Andheri - Kurla Rd, Gamdevi,
Marol, Andheri East,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400059
It may be noted that the customers shall approach for resolution of their service request/complaint at the first instance to the customer engagement team as mentioned in Level 1 hereinabove, and if their request / complaint remains unresolved for a period of 14 days or they are dissatisfied with the resolution given, they are required to contact Grievance Redressal Cell of the Company:
Kind Attn: Senior Grievance Redressal Manager
Avanse Financial Services Limited
4th Floor, E Wing, Times Square,
Andheri - Kurla Rd, Gamdevi,
Marol, Andheri East,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400059
Email: grievanceredressalcell@avanse.com
Telephone : 1800-266-0200
In case the customer is not satisfied with the decision of the Grievance Redressal Cell, he may approach the Grievance Redressal Officer (GRO) of the Company:
Kind Attn: Mr. G.D.Patil
Grievance Redressal Officer (GRO)
Avanse Financial Services Limited
4th Floor, E Wing, Times Square,
Andheri - Kurla Rd, Gamdevi,
Marol, Andheri East,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400059
Email: gro@avanse.com
Telephone: 022-6859-9999
We will make our best efforts to resolve customer?s complaint at this level.
If the complaint is not redressed within a period of 30 days or if the customer is dissatisfied with the resolution received at Level 3 hereinabove, the customer may further escalate to Ombudsman via CMS Portal or Electronic / Physical mode by following procedure as mentioned in point 3.1 (Salient features of NBFC Ombudsman Scheme) of below table.
If the customer is aggrieved by the Ombudsman Award or rejection of complaint by Ombudsman Office,
customer can file an appeal within 30 days of receipt of Award or rejection of complaint to:
Executive Director
Consumer Education & Protection Department
Reserve Bank of India.
Great services help companies to drive the customer acquisition, retention and service efficiency. In line with the said philosophy, the Company follows a four (4) tier approach for redressal of customer grievances, as detailed below:
In case of any service request / complaints, the customer may contact the customer engagement team on any of the below mentioned contact points:
Avanse Financial Services Limited
4th Floor, E Wing, Times Square,
Andheri - Kurla Rd, Gamdevi,
Marol, Andheri East,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400059
It may be noted that the customers shall approach for resolution of their service request/complaint at the first instance to the customer engagement team as mentioned in Level 1 hereinabove, and if their request / complaint remains unresolved for a period of 10 days or they are dissatisfied with the resolution given, they are required to contact Grievance Redressal Cell of the Company:
Kind Attn: Grievance Redressal Manager
Avanse Financial Services Limited
4th Floor, E Wing, Times Square,
Andheri - Kurla Rd, Gamdevi,
Marol, Andheri East,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400059
Email: grievanceredressalcell@avanse.com
Telephone : 1800-266-0200
In case the customer is not satisfied with the decision of the Grievance Redressal Cell, he may approach the Grievance Redressal Officer (GRO) of the Company :
Kind Attn: Grievance Redressal Officer (GRO)
Avanse Financial Services Limited
4th Floor, E Wing, Times Square,
Andheri - Kurla Rd, Gamdevi,
Marol, Andheri East,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400059
Email: gro@avanse.com
Telephone: 022- 6859 9999
We will make our best efforts to resolve customer?s complaint at this level.
If the complaint is not redressed within a period of 30 days or if the customer is dissatisfied with the resolution received at Level 3 hereinabove, the customer may further escalate to Ombudsman via CMS Portal or Electronic / Physical mode by following procedure as mentioned in point 3.1 (Salient features of NBFC Ombudsman Scheme) of below table
# | Particulars | Click on the Link |
3.1 | Salient features of NBFC Ombudsman Scheme | https://www.avanse.com/ombudsman-scheme/salient-features-of-the-nbfc-ombudsman-scheme |
3.2 | Format of complaint to Ombudsman | https://www.avanse.com/viewPagesAssets/pdf/ombudsman-scheme/form-of-complaint.pdf |
3.3 | Contact details of Nodal Avanse | https://www.avanse.com/ombudsman-scheme/nodal-officers-details |
If the customer is aggrieved by the Ombudsman Award or rejection of complaint
by Ombudsman Office, customer can file an appeal within 30 days of receipt of
Award or rejection of complaint to
Executive Director
Consumer Education & Protection Department
Reserve Bank of India.