
Several Indian students harbour a dream to study abroad. Studying in the US will offer more than an academic degree. The experience will enrich your life by broadening your perspective and helping you enhance and refine your skills. Before you can set off on your higher education journey, you must apply for a student visa. Let’s learn more about the application process, documents required, fees, exam scores, and work permits to ease your journey to a better future.

Key highlights:

  • Student visa meaning
  • Crucial things students must know during the study visa process
  • What are the student visa application requirements?
  • Student visa requirements to receive a visa
  • How to apply for a student visa
  • Student visa interview preparation

Student visa meaning

A student visa will let you legally stay and pursue your education in another country. Everybody hoping to complete a course in a university, college, or specialised institution requires a student visa. You must apply for and receive the visa before travelling to the selected country. Study visas are non-immigrant visas.

Also Read: What you must know before pursuing a Masters in CS in the USA

Crucial things students must know during the study visa process

Here’s a guide to some common terms you will come across during the visa application.

F-1 student visa meaning

Students who want to pursue higher education at an accredited US college must apply for an F-1 visa.

M-1 visa meaning

Students pursuing non-academic or vocational courses can apply for an M1 visa.

PSW visa meaning

A post-study work visa will enable students to stay back in the US to work or explore work opportunities post-completion of their course. You can apply for Optional Practical Training (OPT), which is a PSW visa. It will be valid for up to 12 months and can be extended for 24 months for STEM courses.

SEVIS fee meaning

The Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) is a system where data related to the students is stored. Students applying for an F-1 visa must pay a SEVIS fee. The amount helps fund the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) in the US. You have to pay the SEVIS fee when you apply for an F-1 visa.

SEVIS ID meaning

Your SEVIS ID refers to the SEVIS number you receive as an F-1 student. The ID tracks your life in the US from the time you receive the I-20 until you graduate.

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What are the US student visa application requirements?

Preparing the paperwork for your visa application can seem overwhelming. Here are some documents you will need for a seamless experience.

Student visa requirements

  • A passport that is valid for at least six months after your intended stay in the country
  • Confirmed admission at a Student and Exchange Visitors Program (SEVP)-approved school and a Form I-20
  • Completed US study visa application
  • The application fee
  • Proof of funds

Student visa requirements to receive a visa

Let’s take a closer look at what you must have for a successful application.

Admission at an SEVP-approved institution
Your visa depends on your course and institute. You must select a college or university accredited by SEVP. Only SEVP-approved universities can enrol students in the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS), providing the documents needed for your visa application.

Also Read: A guide to the university grading system in the US for study abroad students

How to apply for a student visa

Ensure all your documents, including your passport and academic transcripts, are in place before proceeding with the application process. You can apply via the Embassy or Consulate.

Student visa application

  • If your university is SEVP-approved, you will be registered for the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS), and you will be required to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee. Your university will provide you with an I-20 form, which you have to fill out and present to the consular officer during your visa interview.
  • You will then have to fill out the DS-160 form, which is an Online Non-immigrant Visa Application form and upload the documents.
  • Print the filled-out application form so that you can carry it with you for your visa interview.

Student visa interview preparation

Your visa approval depends on your interview performance. You can show up well-prepared for an easy route to approval.

Student visa interview questions and answers to know

During your F-1 visa interview, you may be asked questions like:

  • Can you introduce yourself?
  • Why did you pick this university?
  • What is the reason for selecting this course?
  • Which other universities did you apply to?
  • Where did you complete your previous education?

While answering, be honest. You can prepare by going through the university website and selecting various benefits of the institute. Ensure you bring all your documents, including your financial documents, to the interview in case they ask for proof.

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Applying for a US student visa can seem like an uphill battle. However, preparing in advance will ease your journey. You usually have to submit financial proof documents showcasing you have adequate finances to fund your course and life in the US. You can use a student loan to study abroad and get the documents you need easily. At Avanse Financial Services, we offer a loan for education to help you fulfil your academic aspirations.

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