Did you know that we are on the cusp of witnessing a major shift in the job market? A survey conducted in 2020 suggests that most jobs that exist today will cease to exist in the future and instead will be replaced by new emerging professions by 2025. These emerging roles will grow from 7.8% to 13.5% that is a 5.7% growth that will create 97 million new jobs by 2025. Considering the relevance of future jobs, here are the top 5 highest-paying career avenues in the IT sector to look out for. Planning according to the requirement of future jobs can help you shape your career path and also open new venues if you are looking to study abroad.
The ever-changing IT sector is transforming at a lightning-fast pace making a way for new jobs in the streams like Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, Block chain Technology, Data science etc. IT spending is set to touch ~US$4.07 trillion in 2021 which is an 8.4% jump. Let’s take a look at some of the most interesting and fascinating career avenues that are highly in demand and expected to expand by leaps and bounds in the near future. Here’s a good news for students who aspire to be engineers- According to a recent study, 1.40 lacs new engineering jobs will emerge by 2026 in US alone that don’t even exist today. So, it is definitely ideal for you to start thinking of your prospects to study abroad.
Data Science is a broader term that covers data analytics, data mining, machine learning and so much more. Data science mainly deals with transforming raw and unstructured data into sophisticated and more structured data. You can begin with a bachelor’s degree in Data Science and go on to gain a Master’s degree to accelerate your professional career. Data Analyst, as the name suggests analyzes big data to help with solutions like forecasts, charts, etc. While Data Scientists look for questions by designing hypotheses and testing them based on data, Data Analysts form answers to the questions in the form of infographics. Skills like Math, Statistics, R, Python, Programming, etc. are critical in this domain.
Digital currency like Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. brought Blockchain technology into the mainstream. To put it simply, Blockchain technology is a system that records and distributes sensitive information and makes it immutable. Several start-ups, tech firms, and other organizations are hiring experts in this segment. Did you know that the global spending on Blockchain alone is estimated to touch ~US$18 billion by 2024? This emerging technology has tremendous potential which will demand great expertise. The future jobs in this domain include Blockchain Developer, Blockchain Architect, Blockchain Project Manager, Blockchain UX Designer, Blockchain Quality Engineer, and many more.
Tesla’s self-driving cars, to Amazon’s dancing robots used in the warehouses and from virtual chat bots to disease mapping solutions, a career in AI and ML is both lucrative and creative. If you aspire to make a career in this domain, skills like Math, Statistics, Basics of Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning will take you a long way. Here’s a great news for you- ~19 lacs AI jobs are estimated to emerge by 2023.
Computer Science is an umbrella term that covers several aspects like programming, architecture, computation, hardware, software, etc. As a Computer Scientist, you have a wide range of options including IT Consultancy, Cyber security, Database Administration, Programming, System Analyst, Games Developer, and the list goes on. If you excel in Math, Problem-solving, Diagnostic Skills then Computer Science is for you. There are many who look at study loan options to cover their course in Computer Science and enter this blooming field.
Cloud computing is one of the emerging technologies expected to reach ~$300 billion this year. Cloud computing delivers computing solutions to access data, store data and networking via the internet without having to store the data at your end (like in a hard drive). It provides revolutionary solutions to businesses and individuals and this space is growing leaps and bounds. One million jobs will be available in India alone by 2022 which indicates huge demand of specialized skills in cloud computing. Skills like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform, or Azure are essential in this arena. Job roles like Cloud Consultant, Cloud Engineer, Cloud Architects are highly in demand.
Engineering encompasses every product and tool right from the nano-scale particles to humongous ships, chemical compounds, roads, and more. If you have a creative bone and can’t help yourself from dissembling and reassembling every other gadget that you come across or you are always curious to know how a certain thing works, engineering is for you. Basic skills like math, science, creativity and problem-solving skills will help you in this stream. Here are some engineering areas that are in demand:
• Aerospace engineering
• IT Engineering
• Biomedical engineering
• Chemical engineering
• Environmental engineering
• Petrochemical engineering
• Civil engineering
• Structural engineering
• Electrical and Electronic engineering
• Mechanical and manufacturing engineering
Most career avenues are adapting to the dynamics of the world, especially Engineering and IT jobs. Most jobs that have emerged today did not exist a few years back. And this trend will continue in the future too. So, it is advisable to plan your career based on the future job market which is set to witness a major change. While you get ready to set foot on the path that leads to a brighter future, we, at Avanse are ready to cover your academic expenses with customized study loan plans.
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