
Well-ranked universities, exciting work opportunities, and student-friendly visa policies encourage students to study in the UK. If you are planning to pursue your higher studies in the UK, learning about its grading system will help you plan your academic journey seamlessly. So, let’s get started and learn about the UK grading system and other interesting information.

Key Highlights

  • A brief overview of the grading system in the UK
  • Britain’s grading system for higher education
  • United Kingdom university grading system for PG courses
    • What does the A-level grading system in the UK signify?
  • Is the GPA system used in the UK?
  • What are ECTS grades at university in the UK?
  • How are students assessed as per the UK education grading system?

A brief overview of the grading system in the UK

Grades play an important role as they indicate students’ academic performances and determine their future academic path and job opportunities. Every country with an internationally recognised education system adopts a unique grading system. The UK’s education system has four different stages: Primary, Secondary, Further, and Higher Education. Here, we will discuss the grading system for higher education, i.e., for master’s degree programs.

Britain’s grading system for higher education

Higher education in the UK is referred to as an Advanced level or A-level qualification and is highly valued by countries like India, Australia, and Canada. This grading system highlights students’ academic strengths and enables institutions as well as employers to know students’ true potential.

Also Read: Everything about the CV format to study in the United Kingdom

United Kingdom university grading system for PG courses

The academic performance is measured via letter grade scales ranging from A (highest) to F (lowest). The UK grading system for master’s courses is as follows:

Percentage (%) Grade Remarks Letter Grades Grade Descriptions
70-100% Distinction A Pass
60-69% Merit or Commendation B Pass
50-59% Pass C Pass
40-49% Pass on Borderline D Pass
30-39% Unsatisfactory E Fail
0-29% Fail F Fail

What does the A-level grading system in the UK signify?

It is the highest grade that reflects an excellent level of understanding of the subject. Students with A-level grades have brighter chances of securing admission to the top-ranked UK universities.

Is the GPA system used in the UK?

The UK universities do not use the Grade Point Average (GPA) system. GPA indicates how much students have scored on average in their courses. In the US, it is calculated on a scale of 0 to 4, with 4 being the best, and any score below 2 is considered insufficient to secure admission.

Rough estimate of the UK grades that are equivalent to GPAs (US grading system)

Also Read: Top UK universities for masters programs 2024

UK Grading System GPA Equivalent (US grading system) Letter Grades Grade Remarks
Above 70% 4.0 A Outstanding
60-69% 3.3-3.9 A-/B+ Excellent/Very Good
50-59% 2.7-3.2 B/B- Good
40-49% 2.0-2.6 C+/C/C- Pass

The Indian universities follow a 10-point GPA system. So, the UK grades that are equivalent to the GPA system in India are mentioned below for your reference.

UK Grading system GPA Equivalent (Indian grading system) Letter Grades Grade Remarks
Above 80% 10 O Outstanding
75-79% 9 A+ Excellent
70-74% 8 A Very Good
60-69% 7 B+ Good
50-59% 6 B Above Average
45-49% 5 C Average
40-44% 4 D Pass

Also Read: UKVI post-study work visa: A comprehensive guide

What are ECTS grades at university in the UK?

European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is a grading framework that allows European universities to understand and compare the results students achieve while studying at different institutions. Though different grading systems are prevalent across Europe, the ECTS is the most recognised one.

Tabulated below are the final UK grades, their corresponding ECTS grade, and their meanings:

Percentage Score ECTS Grade ECTS Definition
70-100% A Excellent to outstanding performance with minor errors
60-69% B Very good or above average performance with some errors
50-59% C Good performance with some notable errors
40-49% D Satisfactory with significant shortcomings
0-39% E/F Not sufficient or fail

How are students assessed as per the UK education grading system?

UK varsities evaluate students’ performances by using several methods, such as:

  • Exams measure a student’s knowledge about the subject.
  • Written or practical coursework, including projects, presentations, essays, and lab reports.
  • Viva and practical assessments evaluate students’ ability to express their ideas and apply theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios.
  • Dissertations to assess research capabilities
  • Portfolios showcasing skills, creativity and ideas that have developed throughout the course

Also Read: Everything you need to know before pursuing higher education at UK university without IELTS

With this information, you can effortlessly plan your academic journey to the UK. If you want to pursue your higher education independently, you can opt for a student loan. At Avanse Financial Services, we offer hyper-personalised study loans for abroad programs with benefits like 100% finance, quick loan sanctions, and multiple repayment options. To know more about a loan for education, the loan documentation process, and other interesting details, get in touch with us today.

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